Thursday, 26 September 2013

Lesson To Be Learned

The old phrase of “Pleasure with Pain” has been associated with women sandals every now and then. Heels give women a sense of pleasure as they look attractive and glamorous with them. Heels can be worn in parties and formally as well. They keep women and their minds high like sky. That pleasure of being up like skies is happiness itself. No matter how much pain and anxiety women get by wearing those high stilettos and heeled-pumps, they are always fascinated by such accessory.

women sandals
Women Sandals 
Likewise, women bear a lot of pain in their lives too. Whether, it’s raising a whole family under her supervision or playing all their responsibilities while being single. However, the society has not accepted them as a superior sex which is as disregarding as disrespectful. Even today, women are seen with pity and they are made slings and arrows of misfortune.

They are seen with dirty eyes when they go out for education or work; they are still becoming the victims of those brutal entities called as “Men”. It is not to promote feminism at the first place!! Not at all!! But I just want to derive the attention on the miseries faced by women.

Recently an event on the “sexual harassment awareness” was organized in Los Angeles attended by numerous male celebrities. All of them participated greatly by strutting the ramps wearing women sandals and giving a chance to think about the pains of women for a while. This was merely a small example presented to them to make all men realize what even the minor pains of women actually mean? However, this couldn’t be as much as women bear in their original lives… realities are not this funny and easy. But, a little effort was made to comprehend how it feels like and what would happen to them if they had to face that much.

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